cannabis seeds not germinating

Just imagine you have bought a pack of premium cannabis seeds and are excited to start your new cultivation project.

You have prepared everything right from the perfect growing medium to the ideal temperature and humidity levels. You have followed all the recommended steps from placing your seeds in a moist paper towel and eagerly waiting for the first signs of cannabis sprouts.

But as the days pass by, nothing happens and no signs of germination. You might be wondering what to do if seeds don’t germinate?

Don’t fret! Cannabis seeds not germinating is a very common problem. In fact, germinating the seeds takes some effort.

However, if you understand the most common reasons why cannabis seeds won’t germinate and ways to restart your seeds, you’ll quickly increase germination rates and have better success. This guide lays it all out for you.

The Importance of Seed Germination For its Successful Growth

importance of ⁠cannabis seed germination
Seed germination is an important process which influences crop yield and quality. In crop production, factors like seed quality, environmental conditions, and planting depth can influence the germination rate of cannabis seeds.

The germination process marks the transformation of a dormant seed into an active growing plant. Proper germination is important as it sets the stage for healthy roots and development. It sets the right stage for healthy root and shoot development, essential for nutrient uptake and overall plant vigor.

On successful establishment, strong root systems anchor the plant and facilitate efficient water and nutrient absorption. This in turn supports robust vegetative growth and eventual flowering.

Besides, ensuring optimal germination conditions helps to reduce the risk of disease and pest infestation, which is harmful for young seedlings. Therefore, it makes sense to invest time and effort in understanding and optimizing the germination process to achieve high yield and quality in cannabis cultivation.

Common Reasons Why Cannabis Seeds Aren’t Germinating

Germinating old cannabis seeds is a delicate process and even under optimal conditions, there are certain important factors which impact the sprouting of cannabis seeds. It is important to understand the common reasons which can help growers increase their success rates.

From the quality and condition of seeds to environmental factors and handling practices, each stage ensures successful germination. Here, some of the common reasons why cannabis seeds won’t germinate.

Germination Problem 1: Seed Quality Problems

Quality seeds are very important for germination. Here are a few ways seed quality issues can affect germination rates:

Old Or Immature Seeds and their Viability

Old or immature seeds lose their viability over time. This means their ability to sprout and grow decreases. Fresh seeds, which are less than a year old have a higher germination rate.

Storage method

Proper storage is important for maintaining seed viability. Store seeds in a cool, dark, and dry place. Ideal conditions for storing seeds include refrigeration in airtight containers with moisture absorbing desiccant to prevent mold and premature germination.

Damaged or Malformed Seeds

How to identify damaged seeds and avoid using them for planting? Healthy seeds are usually dark brown or grey in color, often with stripes or mottling. They have a hard outer shell. They are smooth and plump, are not cracked or shriveled.

Pro Tip. Avoid planting seeds which are pale, green, or visibly damaged, as they are unlikely to germinate successfully. You can test the seed by gently pressing them. Healthy seeds resist pressure and do not break easily.

Germination Problem 2: Unsuitable Environment

Like any plant seed, cannabis seeds require the right temperatures, humidity and moisture level to germination:

  • Incorrect temperature
    Cannabis seeds require a specific temperature range to trigger their germination process. Seeds germinate optimally within a temperature range between 60°F-80°F. It is essential to maintain consistency as fluctuations in temperature might slow down and can even halt the process completely. Maintain this temperature using seedling heat mats or place the germination container in a warm location away from direct sunlight.
  • Too Much Light
    Darkness helps activate certain hormonal and biochemical processes required for seed germination. It is essential to keep the seeds away from intense sunlight or grow lamps. However, a little light will not affect the germination rate of cannabis seeds.

Germination Problem 3: Planting Depth and Nutrient Needs

Planting Depth: The planting depth of cannabis seeds is crucial in ensuring that seeds sprout best. You should avoid planting seeds too deep or too shallow, as it can impact the emergence of radicles and subsequent growth.

Follow a planting depth of around 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Also, use a light and well-draining germination method to prevent overfeeding seedlings with nutrients.

Nutrient Needs: Cannabis seeds require minimal nutrition during their early stages of growth. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium(K)are three primary nutrients required for proper growth and development of cannabis seeds.

Germination Problem 4: Patience & Growth Timing

It is essential to be patient while growing cannabis seeds, as they might take a bit more time to germinate. The germination period for cannabis seeds can vary based on their strain and growing conditions. For this reason, it is advised to be patient and avoid disturbing the germination process.

It is important to keep track of the days from the time you plant seeds, and if possible, you should refer to the guidelines for cannabis-specific strains.

Germination Problem 5: Proper Watering Schedule

Inconsistent Moisture

Inconsistent moisture has a negative impact on the seeds and seedlings and causes them to wilt and die. It affects seeds and stops them from germinating. Problems in seed germination can occur due to overwatering. Seeds do require a damp environment as it softens the seed shell for root to emerge.


Overwatering seeds can suffocate seeds and deprive them of oxygen causing root rot problem. To maintain the right balance between dampness and overwatering, keep the growing medium moist but avoid waterlogging. Ensure good drainage and use humidity domes to retain moisture without excessive watering. Regularly check and adjust the moisture levels to keep them steady for successful seed sprouting.

Germination Problem 6: Using the Wrong Methods

How you approach germination can greatly affect viability rates.

For example, many say you should place the cannabis seeds in a moist paper towel and store it in a dark warm place. However, this method can cause issues with too much or too little moisture. Too much will cause mold, fungus growth, and rot. And it can weaken the emerging sprout.

When the paper towel loses moisture and dries out, the seedling dies off, generally in less than 24 hours.

However, there are some methods that may help to increase germination rates of cannabis seeds including:

  • Rockwool: This medium retains moisture well and provides good aeration, thereby reducing the risk of rot. It also supports seedlings as they develop rot issues.
  • Direct Soil Planting: Planting seeds directly in soil mimics natural conditions and reduces the risk of transplant shock. Therefore, it is important to use light and well-draining soil.
  • Water Soaking: Soak seeds in water for 12-24 hours before planting to soften the seed coat and promote germination.

Germination Problem 7: Overcrowding

If you direct sow cannabis seeds, you need to think about spacing. Crowding your plants will cause the seedlings to fight for resources and generally will result in weaker seedlings.

Proper Spacing

Seeds require adequate space for germination and grow without competition for resources. Overcrowding leads to poor air circulation and increased humidity, encouraging mold growth.

Optimal Germination

Each seed should be placed at least 1-2 inches apart to ensure they have sufficient room to expand and can gain access to sufficient nutrients and water. For paper towel method, ensure each seed has its own space without touching others to avoid roots entanglement and easy transplanting.

Successful Cannabis Seed Germination: Solutions Tips

cannabis seeds germination tips
Here are some different germination techniques for cannabis seeds:

1. Paper Towel Method

The paper towel method includes using a damp paper towel as a medium of controlled environment for germination.

To successfully germinate cannabis seeds through this method, follow these steps:

  • Moisten a paper towel with distilled water or a diluted rooting solution
  • Place the seeds on the damp paper towel by leaving some space between them
  • Fold the paper towel over the seeds to cover them thoroughly
  • Put this towel in a sealed plastic bag or container to create a dark and warm environment
  • Keep the container in a warm location and check regularly for signs of germination
  • After the seeds sprout and show a taproot, you can transfer them to the best cannabis growing medium

2. Rockwool Method

You can consider germinating cannabis seeds in rockwool for this you need to prepare rockwool before germination to maximize the success rate of seed starting.

Follow below mentioned steps to provide an optimal environment for your seeds to thrive:

  • Before starting cannabis seeds in rockwool, ensure rockwool cubes are adequately moistened to create a favorable environment for seeds.
  • Adjust the pH level (5.5-6.5) of cannabis seeds to create a more favorable environment for seeds.
  • Create small holes at the bottom of rockwool cubes. Holes should be deep enough to accommodate the size of the seeds.
  • Gently place one seed in each hole. Care should be taken not to damage the delicate roots or seedlings if they sprout.
  • Once the seeds are in place, lightly cover them with a layer of rockwool or vermiculite.
  • After planting the seeds ensure they are kept in a warm and humid environment with proper lighting.
  • Monitor moisture levels regularly to prevent the rockwool cubes from drying out. They should be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Place them in a tray and cover them with a humidity dome for maintaining high humidity.

Germinating Old Cannabis Seeds

Old seeds have low germination rates owing to different factors like decreased viability and weakened seed coats. It is important to understand the fact that all seeds might not sprout, even with optimal conditions and improved germination techniques. Patience and careful handling can increase chances, but results will still vary compared to fresh seeds.

When working with old cannabis seeds, it is important to set realistic expectations owing to their decline in lower germination rates over time. With passage of time, seeds lose their viability, and their protective outer coating weaken, leading to reduced success even under ideal growing conditions.

Different techniques like soaking, scarification, hydration, and hormonal treatments help improve germination chances. It is important to understand that there is no guarantee that all old seeds will sprout. Accepting this variability and being patient can help you manage disappointment and appreciate successful sprouts which do emerge.

How to Germinate Old Cannabis Seeds: Techniques

how to germinate old cannabis seeds
Here are tips for increasing viability for cannabis seeds that are 2 or more years old:

1. Scarification

This process involves breaking or softening the hard outer shell of seeds to facilitate water absorption and germination. You can use tools like sandpaper, a file or knife to gently scratch or nick the seed coat. It helps old seeds which have developed a tough outer shell and improve their ability to absorb water and nutrients needed for germination.

2. Hydration

Hydration method includes immersing seeds in water to rehydrate them. This makes it easy for the germination process to start. This method is effective for older seeds which might have dried out over time.

Seeds are soaked in water for a specified period, between 12-24 hours. This allows them to absorb adequate moisture to soften their seed coat and activate the embryo inside.

Some seeds might require warm water or a pre-soak in a seed germination solution with growth enhancers. After soaking, sow seeds immediately or allow them to dry slightly before they are planted. This technique can help increase the germination rate by overcoming dormancy and enhancing metabolic processes.

3. Hormonal Treatment

Hormonal treatment includes using plant hormones or growth regulators to stimulate seed germination. These hormones can be applied through soaking seeds in a hormone solution or by directly treating the seeds. Hormonal treatment is useful for seeds which require specific environmental conditions to germinate or have been in storage for a long time.

Maintain Optimal Seed Starting Conditions

You can maintain temperature control for cannabis seeds germination by using heating mats and humidity domes:

Heating Mats

Using heat mats, you can provide warmth to the seeds, maintaining an optimal temperature range of 70- 85°F. Place the seed trays on heating mats which can be adjusted to desired temperature. Heating mats ensure a stable environment, which is important for consistent germination rates.

Humidity Domes

Humidity domes help maintain high humidity levels between 70-90% crucial for germination of cannabis seeds. Cover seed trays with a humidity dome for retaining warmth and moisture. You should regularly open the dome to allow fresh air circulation and prevent mold growth.

Watering Practices for Cannabis Seed Starting


Use a spray bottle to mist the growing medium. This will ensure even moisture distribution without causing waterlogging. Mist the seeds daily or as required to keep the medium moist.


Ensure the growing medium whether it is rock wool or soil is thoroughly moistened before you plant seeds. Check the moisture levels regularly and re-moisten as required. This ensures the medium is damp but not waterlogged.

Darkness for Germination

It is important to mimic natural soil conditions that trigger the germination process of cannabis seeds. Keep the seed trays in a dark place or cover them in such a way that it blocks out light until the seed sprouts. After the seeds sprout, gradually introduce them to light to prevent them from becoming leggy and ensure healthy growth.

Troubleshooting Guide for Cannabis Seed Germination

Problems Causes Solution
Cannabis Seeds Not Germinating Poor quality seeds Use fresh and high-quality seeds
Incorrect moisture level If the soil or paper towel is waterlogged, carefully remove the seeds and start again.
Improper temperature Maintain a consistent temperature of 70-85°F
Incorrect pH level of water Use water with a pH of 5.5-6.5
Light exposure during germination Seeds should be kept in dark during germination
Weak/Slow Germination Sub-optimal temperature Keep a stable temperature within the optimal range
Lack of oxygen Ensure proper aeration
Low moisture Maintain sufficient moisture levels
Rot/Mold on seeds Excessive moisture/waterlogging Reduce water and improve drainage
Poor air circulation Ensure good airflow
Contaminated environment Use sterile tools and clean environment
Seedlings not emerging from soil Planting seeds too deep Plant seeds at a shallow depth of (~0.5-1 cm)
Compact or crusted soil Use light airy soil or soilless medium
Poor seed vigor Pre-soak seeds or use seed stimulants
Leggy seedlings Insufficient light exposure Provide adequate light immediately after seeds sprout
Deformity or discoloration of seedlings Nutrients deficiencies or imbalances Use a balanced nutrient mix or transplant seedlings to nutrient-rich soil
pH imbalance Check and adjust pH levels in the growing medium
Pests or diseases Inspect for pests and treat if necessary

Additional Tips for Success

1. Seed selection: Choose reputable seed banks and fresh seeds for better germination rates.

Buy seeds from reputable seed banks of high quality and better genetic integrity. These sources are more likely to provide viable seeds with a high germination rate.

Always opt for fresh seeds as they are likely to germinate successfully. Seeds which are less than a year old are most suitable for planting.

2. Patience: Cannabis seeds usually take between 3-10 days for germination. Avoid disturbing the seeds at this period as any movement can disturb the delicate process of root development.

3. Monitoring: You should keep an eye on the moisture level and temperature but resist the urge to frequently check or handle the seeds.

4. Sterilization: Sterilizing tools and containers before using them to prevent the growth of mold and fungi. This can adversely affect the seeds. Sterilize seeds by soaking tools in a mild bleach solution and rinsing them thoroughly with clean water.

Using clean and sterile equipment ensures a healthy environment for seeds. This reduces the risk of infection during the germination process.

The Bottom Line

Successful cannabis seed germination is based on factors like selecting high-quality, fresh seeds from reputable sources, proper germination methods, and optimal environmental conditions. Ensure seeds are properly spaced to avoid overcrowding and monitor moisture levels to prevent mold or rot problems. Exercise patience as germination can take anywhere between 3-10 days. Once seeds germinate, transfer them to your selected medium to provide a stable environment for their continued growth.

Now that you are aware of the essentials for germinating old cannabis seeds, you can start your cultivation journey. Did you achieve success with other germination methods or faced challenges? Share your experience or contact us in case of query – we’d love to hear from you.


If your seeds don’t germinate, you need to ensure they are fresh and stored properly. Check whether the seeds were planted at the right depth and were kept consistently moist. Ensure the light conditions and temperature meet the seeds’ requirements. If still issues persist, try pre-soaking seeds or scarifying tough seeds or follow specific guidelines for the type of seeds you are growing.

Yes, old seeds can germinate. Their germination depends on several factors like water, nutrients, oxygen, light, temperature, etc.

Place about 6-10 seeds on a damp paper towel. Fold this towel in half, cover the seeds, and place it in a storage container with an airtight lid. Place it in a warm location, such as on the top of refrigerator. Observe the seeds for the next few weeks to check if they germinate.

Use a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution to revive older seeds. This solution helps them germinate by breaking down their outer coating and promotes water absorption. Additionally, pre-soaking seeds in warm water softens the seed coat and speeds up their germination process.

Temperature is the crucial factor for cannabis seeds germination. Different cannabis strains might have different temperature preferences. A constant temperature of 68-77°F and humidity of 70-90% is ideal for germinating cannabis seeds.

Danielle Dixon

Danielle is a content writer at Homegrown Outlet. Aside from having a longtime passion for literature and writing, she is also an animal lover who enjoys crafting and watching documentaries.

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